Field Trip | Dolphin Matriculation Higher Secondary School in Madurai

Field Trip

Field Trip was organised by our our Chairman Mr. RajaMohan Sir, & Our correspondent mam Mrs. Kanmani Rajamohan on 18.03.2016 and 19.03.2016 to all the clasees from Pre KG to IX to end the academic year with freshness. Pre KG, LKG, UKG students went to Central Market & Reliance super market. I & II std students went to Railway station, III & IV std students went to Gandhi Museum, V & VII std students went to Parle – G, VI std students went to Post office, VIII std students went to Bank and Dairy Products unit & IX std students went to Lab.
Our students started the year with freshness and ended the year with happiness. We wish all the students “All the best” for your bright future.

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Date : 01 Aug 2016
