Field Trip - Fire Station | Dolphin Matriculation Higher Secondary School in Madurai

Field Trip – Fire Station

Our Std III students visited the fire station today to extend their knowledge about fire safety, fire fighters role, rescue plan, safe evacuation, fire equipments etc. This visit will surely help our students to understand more about the dedication sacrifice and bravery of our community helpers.
The demonstration by our fire fighter had clearly picturised their sacrifice during man made fire disasters.
Our school management specifically document field trips to a great extent that contribute to their cognitive skills and concepts which are related to the current syllabus.
Our children were ecstatic when they saw fire fighters slide down the pole and arised lots of questions. These fire fighters also answered all their curious questions.
An activity sheet based on the field trip was given to the students after the visit. The children responded well by answering most of the questions which showed the effectiveness of practical learning.

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Date : 02 Oct 2017
