Field Trip- SNP DAIRY | Dolphin Matriculation Higher Secondary School in Madurai

Field Trip- SNP DAIRY

our Std IV students visited “The S.N.P. Dairy” farm to extend their knowledge about the cattle breeds, the food given to them, the milk yield and the processing and preservation of milk.
These Farm visits are dispelling children’s deep ignorance about where the food they eat comes from?’ and helping teachers deliver a wide spectrum of the curriculum.
Our School Management has been organizing programs like field trips to the apt places to make our teaching – learning process, the most effective.
The children were made aware of the selection of breeds, the feeding methods, the veterinary procedures, and the hygienic methods of milk storage too,
“Hands on visits seemed more effective than text books”
According to this, our children became very enthusiastic so that they started arising questions and got their doubts cleared by the teachers.
The trip to a dairy was therefore be both exciting and educational. An activity sheet based on the field trip was given to the students after the visit to enhance their creative writing.

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Date : 02 Oct 2017
