Organic Market Activity | Dolphin Matriculation Higher Secondary School in Madurai

Organic Market Activity

Shopping is one area in which skills learned in school are used on a regular basis. From Maths to English, these subjects speak to a shopping setting.
Our Dolphin Management always focuses on providing the students with concept learning based on real life situations.
We had our “Market Day” today 10th November 2017 for Stds 1 and 2. Through this activity we make our students aware of the money denominations, weights, instruments of weighing, grocery, vegetables, fruits, oil, milk, flower items and bargaining too. The children were dressed as vendors and customers. They applied the knowledge of adding and subtracting while handling money.
The parents were delighted to see their children performing like ventors and customers.
The whole area was typical in depicting the market scenario.

Category : ,

Date : 25 Dec 2017
